Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So there are these creepy guys that live across from us that like to creep in our windows with binoculars. I caught them the other night, so weird. I think this blog thing is like ADD for me, I can't go to sleep because I keep thinking about all the things I need to write about. Ahhhh!!!! So cats are everywhere here. Really gross, it's like NYC's rat problem. And no one on campus, or the Student Village where I live seems to be able to walk their trash bags to the dumpster. Luckily, I live right next to them, but seriously people leave their bags (not even tied) right outside the main lobby doors! Hello people?!?! Walk your dirty crap to the dumpsters. So annoying, and it is always smelling. We have two girls moving into our apartment today and tomorrow. Adie is from the States, but has kinda lived in Israel off and on for six years. She goes to University of Michigan, and Aviva is from DC and goes to Temple. I'm really excited to finally have a full apartment with no boys.

So my hotdogs and beans was a failure last night. I bought turkey hot dogs, and then these beans that weren't cooked. Ugh, I was so upset. I'll head to the grocery store tomorrow to stock up on foods as Thursday we are going to the Old City and then Friday is the Dead Sea. So if I want food for the weekend, then I need to go tomorrow. Also, I have an internship interview tomorrow. I will be taking three classes and an internship while I'm here. A lot to work on later to get myself prepared.

I met with Yoel today (the one from Pisgat Zeev who is helping me with the transition and also is the coordinator with the JCC sister thingy) but we had lunch in the faculty lounge- as he used to be the Director of the school I'm attending now. I had beef stew for lunch! It was soooo soooo good :) He gave me a great tour of the school and I saw the Dead Sea and the hills of Jordan. This is just such an incredible place. You could spend hours just staring out over Mr. Scopus in any direction. The Old City is so close, you can see all the walls, its just so amazing. See you later :)

1 comment:

  1. KJ - I am soooo jealous (yes, even of the hellish Hebrew classes and cooking failures)!! The Dead Sea?? Hills of Jordan?? As soon as I'm off deadline, I'm checking airfare to Jerusalem :)
